I’ve always been super passionate about health and wellness but never really knew what career would be a good fit for me. I went to college for exercise science and nutrition and became a personal trainer, but still never really felt like I was on the right track. That was until I gave birth to my first child, with the help of a Birth Doula. My eyes were opened to see how incredible the value of prenatal, birth and postpartum support is and the need of this kind of support for every mother, new and experienced. I felt God tugging at my heart and for the first time, in the direction I needed to go, and I could clearly see my purpose— to be the support my Doula was for me for other mothers in my community.
Birth is beyond beautiful. How God perfectly designed women and their bodies to be able to do, blows me away, EVERY SINGLE TIME I witness birth. Childbirth is where the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical worlds collide into one gigantic explosion. The collision of worlds not only brings uncertainty and discomfort but it brings transformation. I take pride in helping the women I serve feel strong, equipped, protected, secure, and confident, wholistically, to cope with the waves of childbirth. Childbirth in a women's life to be respected, a space in time for a women to transform; to transform from a woman to a mother. I am honored and humbled to be welcomed into that space with another sister in Christ.
When I’m not helping other families transform, bloom and flourish, you can find me making fun memories with my own little family. I have one little dude and a little firecracker who keep me busy and laughing always. I have been married to my best friend for 8 years and he is the biggest cheerleader and supporter of the dreams God keeps giving me. When I am without kids, you can find me either working out, drinking tea, reading murder mysteries, or finding great deals at thrift store.
I am so thankful for you taking the time to read a little about me and my story. I pray that God continues to uses me and the passion I have for birth and mothers to serve and bless the families that I get to serve and walk along side of for their parenting journey.
Your sister in Christ & friend in spirit,